Contact Us

Want to book a class?

Or rent the space for workshops or events?

Or just ask a few questions?

WhatsApp Tiana Goosen 069 1005098

You can also email

Excited to connect with you!

Want to stay updated on upcoming classes or events?

Scan this QR code using your phone’s camera and it will take you to the WhatsApp group.

Alternatively you can click on the link below and it will also add you to the group.

It is an admin only group so that we only send you the necessary information.

Commissions for artist,

Tiana Goosen

If you are interested in ordering a custom painting or drawing form our resident artist, Tiana Goosen. You are welcome to contact her on WhatsApp +27 69 100 5098


We have a newsletter with information about upcoming classes, workshops and atelier training. If you are interested in receiving the email newsletter, subscribe by typing your email address in the section below and hit the subscribe button.


Manor House, Bizweni campus, Bizweni Avenue, Somerset West, 7140

The studio space is in the same building as Haven Art Cafe, ground floor

Let’s create!

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© 2023 Helderberg Fine Art Studios

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